Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Course Goals

The question was posed regarding my initial reaction to my present course on policies and systems.  When I first found out that I was taking this policy course my initial reaction was apprehensive because I have to admit that I have limited knowledge on policies as a whole.  The three goals that I want to focus on in this course are as follows:

  •  Understand the clear difference between a policy and a system. 

  •  Research policies that are presently are in place to support my work as an Intervention Specialist.

  • Expand my knowledge of how policies and systems can be reformed when they are flawed and found ineffective in supporting children and families.

This is important to my work as an early childhood professional because I can not effectively make decisions that will allow me to plan my work to advocate accurately. I am looking forward to getting the answers to my questions and gleaning information to move me closer to reaching my goal to become a permanent advocate for positive social change in the field of early childhood education.


  1. Hi Kimberly,

    How to change polices and systems depend on whether you are dealing with local, state or federal policies. I am sure most states have out dated educational policies that no one has ever questioned. Looking through these many pages of policies that are mostly likely in book form or bulletin form with small print can be discouraging. Trying to research, understand and change policies to effect social change of the present day culture takes time and determination.

  2. Hello Kimberly. I looked over your past post in your blog and found them very incisive in the support of education. I agree that it is important for educators to have an understanding of policies and systems in order to make changes in our current programs. We need to know where education's policies and systems were in the past, in order to understand our present systems; to make changes for our future systems and policies. Great comment on your post.

  3. Hello Kimberly,

    I also was a bit apprehensive about taking this course. Once I began to see that this course would give me the knowledge of how systems and policies work, I became excited. I too recognize the fact that I can't change anything I don't fully understand. I hope we all gain a wealth of knowledge from this course.

  4. Here's the thing to keep in mind, Kimberly. If you already knew all about policies and such there would be no reason to take the course. The fact that Walden things we need this course indicates that not only you but just about every ECE professional and graduate candidate doesn't know what you will learn here. So... good for you! You're exactly in the right place to begin this. By the end of the term, I hope you'll be able to say you know something about this...
